“Scars” is a dramatic illustration by Alex Ross that appeared as a pin-up in the comic titled "Batman: Black & White." This striking image gives us a candid look behind the famed Batsuit and reveals a battle-scarred Bruce Wayne.
Ross garnered his inspiration for "Scars" from a Joe Staton drawing and a story about a future version of Batman marrying Catwoman. During one point in the story there is a scene where Batman is out of his costume and Catwoman gasps as she sees his back and all the scars.
- Signed by Alex Ross
- Available Unframed ($525) and Framed ($995, US Only)
- Unframed Dimensions: 17.5" x 23.5"
- Framed Dimensions: 24.5" x 30"
- Giclée on Elegant Hand-Torn Paper
- Individually Numbered with a Certificate of Authenticity
- Edition Size: 195